
The theory of evolution is now considered by scientists worldwide to be in the same certainty as the theory of gravity.

The E. Coli Long-term Evolution Experiment refutes the creationists "irreducible complexity" argument and others. This well performed and documented evolution experiment with E. Coli shows that accumulated random mutations, over many generations can lead to fitness.

The E. Coli Long-term Evolution Experiment refutes the creationists “irreducible complexity” argument and others. This well performed and documented evolution experiment with E. Coli shows that accumulated random mutations, over many generations can lead to fitness.

There is no discrepancy among scientists about evolution’s validity as a theory. It fits so many things together in so many disciplines that the world’s scientists consider it a travesty when religious fundamentalists actually convince the gullible otherwise. Especially when such belief requires accepting that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. When The National Center For Science Education found out about these claims of  “conflict in science” that they started Project Steve.

Don’t take our word for it, go check out the project. There is no debate about the main tenets of evolution. There are certainly arguments on parts of it but, the old earth, common ancestry and other essentials are held in the same regard as Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Top 10 Evolution Myths

An Index to Creationist Claims

Common Descent

Evolution-On RationalWiki.org

Evolution is Not Just a Theory home

Expelled Exposed Why Expelled Flunks » Evolution

E. coli Long-term Experimental Evolution Project Site

National Center for Science Education


The Richard Dawkins Foundation For Reason and Science

Smithsonian’s Human Origins Initiative


Transitional Fossils-Wikipedia

Truth Saves-Evolution Simplified

Understanding Evolution

Young Earth Creationism

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